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Phenomenology in movement disorders
What is a phenotype in movement disorders? What defines their unique and common features ? What do the patterns of abnormal movement reveal about mechanism?
Neural Control of hold in dystonia
By examining sustained hold and varying sensory feedback we reveal novel features of visual and proprioceptive influences over hold stability in DYT-TOR1A dystonia. International collaboration with Joe Galea and Reza Shadmehr
Kinematic signatures of dystonia
Funding from the Royal Society has funded a project using wireless EMG and motion capture in cervical dystonia. Collaborative work with the neuromodulation group at St George's allows the capture of kinematics ‘on’ and ‘off’ stimulation at novel anatomical sites. I am developing analysis algorithms to extract biomarkers for dystonia.
Retraining task-specific dystonia
Leading a project with academic neuro-physiotherapists to deliver novel retraining strategies that builds directly from theoretical and experimental work in this group.
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